
Meet our team

Mengaldo's MathEXLab

Dr Gianmarco Mengaldo is an assistant professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at National University of Singapore (Singapore), and Honorary Research Fellow at Imperial College London (United Kingdom).

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Assistant Professor @ NUS

Dr Gianmarco Mengaldo is an assistant professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at National University of Singapore (Singapore), and Honorary Research Fellow at Imperial College London (United Kingdom).

Principal Investigator

Gianmarco Mengaldo NUS Singapore
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Gianmarco Mengaldo

Dr Gianmarco Mengaldo is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at National University of Singapore (Singapore), and an Honorary Research Fellow at Imperial College London (United Kingdom).

He received his BSc and MSc in Aerospace Engineering from Politecnico di Milano (Italy), and his PhD in Aeronautical Engineering from Imperial College London (United Kingdom). After his PhD he undertook various roles both in industry and academia, including at the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF), the California Institute of Technology (Caltech), and Keefe, Bruyette and Woods (KBW).

Dr Mengaldo’s adopts an interdisciplinary approach integrating mathematical and computational engineering to study complex systems that arise in applied science. His current research interests involve (i) explainable AI, both theoretical and applied, (ii) the intersection between AI and domain knowledge, (iii) data-mining technologies for coherent pattern identification, and (iv) high-fidelity multi-physics simulation tools. Dr Mengaldo’s main application areas include engineering, geophysics, healthcare, and finance. Learn about his research group below.

Research Fellows

Deeksha Varshney NUS MathEXLab Gianmarco Mengaldo SitesGo Singapore
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Deeksha Varshney

Deeksha Varshney received her PhD from the Indian Institute of Technology Patna, India in December 2023. During her PhD, she worked mainly in Conversational AI. She primarily focused on knowledge-based dialogue generation using various natural language processing techniques. She has developed dialogue systems leveraging structured and unstructured knowledge in open-domain and task-oriented settings. She has also created datasets and conversation models that have proven advantageous in the healthcare industry. She is currently a research fellow in MathEXLab, where she spearheads research initiatives focused on utilizing affective computing techniques to gather public opinions regarding climate change.

Dialogue Systems
Machine Learning
Xin Wang MathExLab NUS Singapore
Xin Wang

Xin Wang is a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at MatheXLab. He received his PhD from Tsinghua University in January 2024. During his Ph.D., he primarily focused on AI for Climate, mainly using deep learning models to enhance General Circulation Models (GCM) in computational efficiency and prediction skills. He developed the world's first innovative ML-hybrid GCM, which achieved decades of stable simulations. He is exploring the applications of generative and explainable AI in weather research and developing hybrid modeling approaches for climate simulation and mid-range weather forecasting.

Extreme Events

PhD Students

Jiawen Wei NUS MathEXLab Gianmarco Mengaldo SitesGo Singapore
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Jiawen Wei

Jiawen Wei is a PhD student in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at National University of Singapore, advised by Prof. Gianmarco Mengaldo. Before that, she received her BSc in Automation and MSc in Control Science and Engineering from Central South University (China). Her current research focuses on explainable artificial intelligence (XAI) and its evaluation in time series and image classification tasks. Her research interests also include neural network interpretability, interpretability evaluation, time series pattern discovery, trustworthy machine learning, and XAI for science.

Explainable AI
Chenyu Dong NUS MathEXLab Gianmarco Mengaldo SitesGo Singapore
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Chenyu Dong

Chenyu Dong is a Ph.D. student at the National University of Singapore under the supervision of Prof. Gianmarco Mengaldo. His research interests include nonlinear dynamics, complexity and predictability of dynamical systems, weather and climate dynamics, with a specific focus of data-driven methods. Besides, Chenyu is also interested in understanding dynamical pathways leading to extreme events in complex systems utilizing recently develop diagnostic tools.

Extreme Events
Dynamic systems
Zhou NUS MathEXLab Gianmarco Mengaldo SitesGo Singapore
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Zhou Fang

Zhou is a Ph.D. student in the Mechanical Engineering Department at the National University of Singapore. Her research interests center on dynamical system modeling and scientific machine learning. At present, she is actively engaged in leveraging advanced machine learning frameworks to model weather dynamics, as well as improving the transparency of the AI-based model. She strongly believes that fostering more accurate and trustworthy machine learning practices is essential and will greatly benefit the scientific community.

Extreme Events
Keane Ong NUS MathEXLab Gianmarco Mengaldo SitesGo Singapore
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Keane Ong

Keane received his bachelor’s in mechanical engineering from the National University of Singapore in 2023. During his undergraduate years, he developed a keen interest in Fintech and AI, completing several projects related to natural language processing (NLP) and financial forecasting. Today, he is a Ph.D. student at the National University of Singapore within the Asian Institute of Digital Finance under the Digital Fintech programme. He is co-supervised by Prof Gianmarco Mengaldo from the National University of Singapore and Prof Erik Cambria from Nanyang Technological University. Keane's current research focus is explainable NLP methods for sustainable finance, delving into firm sustainability analysis and asset forecasting.

Bayan Abusalameh NUS MathEXLab Gianmarco Mengaldo SitesGo Singapore
Bayan Abusalameh (Visiting)

Bayan Abusalameh is a Ph.D. candidate in Mechanical Engineering at Imperial College London and a visiting Ph.D. scholar in Professor Gianmarco Mengaldo's group at the National University of Singapore. Her research passion lies at the intersection of machine learning and nonlinear dynamics applied to engineering structures, and especially to micro-aerospace systems. Bayan aims to enhance the safety and efficiency of these engineering structures by uncovering and quantifying the often-overlooked nonlinear modes. Her academic journey began with a bachelor's degree from Birzeit University, followed by a master's degree from Queen Mary University of London.

Dynamic Systems
Explainable AI
Vishal NUS MathEXLab Gianmarco Mengaldo SitesGo Singapore
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Vishal Srivastava

Vishal is a Ph.D. student at the National University of Singapore, supervised by Prof Gianmarco Mengaldo. Before starting his Ph.D., Vishal obtained an undergraduate degree from IIT Kanpur (India) and worked as a data scientist in industry. His research area focuses on developing novel agnostic interpretability methods for deep learning, as well as self-interpretable deep learning algorithms. The main application areas of his research are weather and climate.

Explainable AI

Master Students

Adamya Singh Dhaker NUS MathEXLab Gianmarco Mengaldo SitesGo Singapore
Adamya Singh Dhaker

Adamya is a masters (research) student co-supervised by Prof. Gianmarco Mengaldo and Prof. Cecilia Laschi. He did his bachelor’s degree in aerospace engineering (minor in applied physics) from Nanyang Technological University in Singapore. His research focusses on modelling the octopus arms for soft robotics applications, through multiphysics simulations, computer visions and fluid-structure interaction analysis. Adamya wants to understand and numerically model the underlying biological processes in an octopus arm and translate them into soft robotic prototypes (which can potentially improve surgical procedures and healthcare), in a low-cost way. He also plays tennis for the varsity, and love to read and debate politics.

Soft Robotics
Sharun Arumugam MathEXLab NUS
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Sharun Arumugam

Sharun Arumugam is a Research Engineer, Co-supervised by Prof. Cecilia Laschi and  Prof. Gianmarco Mengaldo. His current research focuses on developing Fluid-Solid Interaction models for the REBOT project and creating Fluid Dynamics code for the Lifex-CFD solver in the DESTRO project. Prior to his current role, Sharun contributed significantly to the development of a Lunar Rover at the Space Systems Research Group, University of Manchester, where he developed the Discrete Element Method framework for lunar regolith extraction and particle-interaction simulation analysis. Additionally, he worked on optical flow diagnostics in the Hypersonic Aerothermodynamic Laboratory Testing (Mach 6 High-speed Wind Tunnel) sponsored by AIRBUS. Sharun holds a Master's degree in Aerospace Engineering from The University of Manchester, UK, and a Bachelor of Technology from BSA Crescent University, Chennai, India. He is an Associate Member of The Royal Aeronautical Society and a Member of the International Institute of Engineers. Sharun also co-authored a book chapter titled "Edge AI-based Aerial Monitoring," published by CRC Press Taylor and Francis Group.

Soft Robotics

Undergraduate Students and Interns

‣ Arihant Krishna KUMAR, Intern, BITS Pilani (India), 2022/2023 
, Intern, BITS Pilani (India), 2022/2023
‣ Say Yong LIM
, Final Year Student, NUS (Singapore), 2022/2023
, Final Year Student, NUS (Singapore), 2022/2023
, -Final Year Student, NUS (Singapore), 2022/2023
‣ Zhen Yuan CHEN
, Final Year Student, NUS (Singapore), 2021/2022
‣ Jia Wen PIOM
, Final Year Student, NUS (Singapore), 2021/2022
‣ Adamya Singh DHAKER
, Intern, NTU (Singapore), 2021/2022
‣ Jonhatan LIM MING EN
, Final Year Student, NUS (Singapore), 2021/2022
‣ Joon Leon KUNG
, Final Year Student, NUS (Singapore), 2021/2022
‣ Bob Pong LOONG
, Final Year Student, NUS (Singapore), 2021/2022
‣ Hon Wek LIM
, Final Year Student, NUS (Singapore), 2021/2022
, Final Year Student, NUS (Singapore), 2021/2022
‣ Luke CHANG
, Final Year Student, NUS (Singapore), 2021/2022
‣ Jia Ming LIM
, Final Year Student, NUS (Singapore), 2020/2021

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